Γεννημένη την δεκαετία του ’70 στο σικάτο Saint-Tropez και έχοντας δημιουργήσει ήδη 3 συλλογές αποκλειστικά για την Ελλάδα, η Vilebrequin παρουσιάζει και φέτος τρία limited edition σχέδια που απευθύνονται στους μεγάλους, αλλά…
Ετικέτα: Vilebrequin
Last minute buy: The essential hot swimshorts!
Haven’t found a pair of fantastic printed swimshorts yet? No problem. These are my favorite top brands & where to find them… ORLEBAR BROWN: www.orlebarbrown.co.uk VILEBREQUIN: Collective Stores FRESCOBOL CARIOCA: Free Shop Mykonos NIKBEN:…
My favorite sunglasses of the season!
Above: sunglasses GUCCI These are to keep your eyes safe & you looking very stylish & handsome on sunny days! Shop my favorite brands of sunglasses here: Dolce & Gabbana – Hally & Son…
Vilebrequin: all-time-classic made in Saint Tropez
These practical & comfortable swim shorts inspired in Saint Tropez in 1971 seduce all men since then with their elegance, bright colors & irresistible french riviera appeal. The cool and the chic, the relaxed vacationer…