Ο Γιώργος Μακράκης (ή αλλιώς alpha2graphic) είναι από εκείνους τους πολύ ταλαντούχους καλλιτέχνες που το #dimitrisgoes πίστεψε πριν ακόμη οι ίδιοι πιστέψουν στον εαυτό τους (δες εδώ το φανταστικό φωτογραφικό story που…
Ετικέτα: photography
DETOUR: the photo exhibition + the party that followed…
I had the best time yesterday at the opening of DETOUR photo exhibition together with lots of long-time-no-see friends from the fashion business who managed to turn an art event into a crazy…
The Sinner: a model’s study by Yiorgos Kaplanidis
«The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.» – Oscar Wilde A couple of months ago, while we…
#mywork for the Esquire magazine (2011-2015)
Pictures by super-talented Greek photographers starring the best male models around!
Here are some of my favourite fashion photos selected out of the hundreds I have produced working as Creative-Fashion Director for the greek edition of the Esquire magazine between August 2011 – August 2015. Pictures by super-talented Greek…
Un Jour a la Plage summer postcards by Kostis Fokas
The summer may be (soon) over but we can still keep the sexy memories… The art project “Un Jour a la Plage” by the young & much-promising artist-photographer Kostis Fokas, today highlighted on #dimitrisgoes,…
Total(itarian) Paradise – μια εικονογραφημένη ιστορία ζωής από τον Alpha2Graphic
Ένας από τους πιο ταλαντούχους γραφίστες/φωτογράφους/καλλιτέχνες στην Ελλάδα κατασκευάζει με χιούμορ έναν απολυταρχικό παράδεισο που προβληματίζει…
I first noticed Alpha2Graphic (aka the graphic designer George Makrakis of A2Graphic studio) on instagram & I was immediately surprised by his infinite creativity, fine modern aesthetics, unique iconography, multi-layer «silent comments» on the contemporary society & of course…
Meet Pablo Otero – a Givenchy model
Barcelona native Pablo Otero (NEXT Model Management), here lensed exclusively for #dimitrisgoes by the talented portraitist & fashion photographer Yiorgos Kaplanidis (this is not another agency), was street scouted back in 2010. In…